Course Description
Here in this precious meditation center in the Mitte of Berlin, we can gather our mind safely in. We refuel ourself with optimism and the power of purpose, determination and hope. Dedicated to world peace and existing solely for that reason, this center gives everyone the opportunity to begin and/or deepen their meditation practise. There is a strong connection between inner peace and outer peace, and our focus is to begin with inner peace in order to create the reality of outer peace.
In our series of English meditation classes offered in February 2024 we will focus on our ability to become the person we would really like to be. Everyone’s main wish is to be happy….all the time…which means that we can train in discovering our naturally happy peaceful mind, and then train in the mindfulness of maintaining this powerful peaceful mind. Thus making it so much easier to negotiate life’s inevitable challenges. We replace frustration and overwhelm with a strong adventurous spirit of possibility and change. We encourage ourself. We have fun.
We start each class by relaxing and gathering the mind in, we discover and explore an inner peaceful state. We abide there for a while, deeply enjoying.
“Whenever we meditate, we are performing a mental action that will cause us to experience inner peace in the future” – Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso (How to Transform your Life)
08.02.24 A determination to make peace possible. The value of creating our own personal peace and how it changes everything, for everyone.
15.02.24 Practice and strengthen our experience of peace, with no expectation, no judgment, no pressure. Stay gathered safely in. Our ability to feel truly alive increases in strength and power.
22.02.24 Transform past memories of suffering and problems. These memories need not define you. Let them go.
29.02.24 Staying truly and fully alive in the present. Absolutely no room for overwhelm and stress. None!
07.03.24 Hope springs eternal. Creating our refreshed and powerfully positive self. Wonderful.
Every class consists of a guided meditation at the beginning and end. Teachings are based on the Buddhist standard work How to Transform Your Life by Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. You can attend singular classes but are invited to join for the entire series; they are designed both for beginners as well as experienced practitioners. Just drop in!
A monthly membership card offers you the opportunity to attend online if you are not able to attend in person.
What to expect?
– enjoy guided meditations
– learn practical meditations which improve your mind permanently
– increase your mental peace and wellbeing through meditation
– receive clear teachings
– profound wisdom explained for beginners
– learn how to integrate Buddha´s wisdom in your daily life
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Hank met Kadampa Buddhism in Los Angeles. Now living in Germany she uses these practical meditations to negotiate the new landscape of living in a foreign country. She is a student of the Teacher Training program of Tharpaland KMC and teaches in a creative and practical manner.