Course Description
We are the architects of our own life, and we need to grow our minds of pure love. It’s like gardening, we need to clear away the debris of what love is not. Are we holding on to past hurts? Are they real or just memory? Do they keep us from the experience of being fully alive? In this series of meditation classes, we will begin with a meditation to quiet our rushing thoughts and find the true nature of stillness, a deeply joyful mind. For the second meditation, we will think deeply about Buddha’s wisdom on each of the following topics:
May 04: We are all loved and have been loved . . . Thanks, Mum!
May 11: We do not exist independently from any others and their endless kindness
May 18: Mind and body are separate entities, we are so much more than a biochemical process
May 25: Living beings have no faults, including yourself (with Laura Gary)
June 1: The great secret
June 08: Compassion grows on a strong foundation of love
June 15: Set our sights on long-term investment
June 22: What is really real?
No special prior knowledge is needed, but requires online booking. Everyone is welcome to attend online or on-site!
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Hank met Kadampa Buddhism in Los Angeles. Now living in Germany she uses these practical meditations to negotiate the new landscape of living in a foreign country. She is a student of the Teacher Training program of Tharpaland KMC and teaches in a creative and practical manner.