Course Description
We all have a great capacity to become extraordinary. And to be of benefit to others in these troubled times.
You are invited to this four-class series of meditations in which we will drop from our heads to our hearts, and from this peaceful space, actively expand our minds into the reality of world peace.
Buddha taught that there is no outer peace without inner peace. Our natural peaceful mind, our essential Buddha nature, is the foundation on which we grow our minds of equanimity, love, and compassion for all living beings. Using Buddha’s sublime teachings from “How to Transform Your Life”, by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso we will become certain of this truth.
In each session we do two meditations, the first to settle and absorb our mind, the absorption of cessation, and the second will change each week.
16/11 Everyone wants peace. We are all equal in this regard.
23/11 We are all deeply interconnected
30/11 Grow great compassion
7/12 Be of benefit to everyone in our life. Give love.
“Our compassion is our Buddha seed or Buddha nature, our potential to become a Buddha. It is because all living beings possess this seed that they will all eventually become Buddhas.” Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, How to Transform Your Life
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Hank met Kadampa Buddhism in Los Angeles. Now living in Germany she uses these practical meditations to negotiate the new landscape of living in a foreign country. She is a student of the Teacher Training program of Tharpaland KMC and teaches in a creative and practical manner.