Course Description
“Turn and face the strange”…. Everything seems to be always shifting and changing, like the ground in an earthquake. In fact change is the only constant we experience, and yet we long for some stability, some certainty, some safety, some real security. And so we end up fighting change, by trying to externally control. Buddha says, please stop wasting your time in this pointless and impossible endeavour. Out with resistance, in with resilience. Give yourself the transformative power of accepting the strangechanges life throws at us.
In this series we will:
- Settle our minds to rest in our natural peaceful heart centred mind
- Ask for blessings, by opening the mind to broader possibility
- Learn some meditation practices that deliver the following results,
- To make us better life-surfers and therefore more useful to the lives of all.
May 30th Are you coming to the temple tonight? We carry within us an extraordinary capacity.and whenever we spend time in our inner Temple…we benefit ourselves immensely.
June 6th Denial and avoidance is not acceptance. Change our mind from “OH NO!!” to “Bring it on”. Buddha shows us how fighting is actually a weakness, anger is actually cowardice.
June 13th Acceptance…true deep real acceptance is a magical powerful force. Using examples from our own and others experiences we can verify the truth of this statement.
June 20th Everything is an appearance to mind….mind is non-physical or non-material. Therefore we are free to determine our future.
June 27th Enjoy the wild ride…be brave, strong and increasingly resilient. Buddha’s teachings open the door to the infinite possibilities for our experience of joy, love and creativity thus bringing real meaning to our life now. Moreover we take this power with us into our future lives.
July 4th: Temporary solutions are not good enough. Buddha’s take the long view. We are but a speck, yet we take ourselves so seriously. In this Meditation we will relax into the expanse of our limitless mind, be kind to ourselves, and cultivate our true peaceful nature
July 11th: Buddhist renunciation…What exactly do I have to give up? yikes!..In this class we will learn that all we have to give up is our unpeaceful states of mind…What a relief. We will meditate together on this joyful mind of freedom.
July 18th: Karma. How to create positive states of mind that bring good Karma, how we can delete negative, limiting states of mind, and have a much better life. This is such a useful concept. It puts us firmly in the driving seat of our precious Life, allowing us to be more proactive, positive and creative in whatever circumstances we are experiencing
These meditations, practised by millions before us, are derived from the beautiful pragmatic and practical text Universal compassion by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
„To have the opportunity to practise this precious and profound teaching is infinitely more meaningful than being given all the precious jewels in the world.“ Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
What to expect?
– enjoy guided meditations
– learn practical meditations which improve your mind permanently
– increase your mental peace and wellbeing through meditation
– receive clear teachings
– profound wisdom explained for beginners
– learn how to integrate Buddha´s wisdom in your daily life
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Hank met Kadampa Buddhism in Los Angeles. Now living in Germany she uses these practical meditations to negotiate the new landscape of living in a foreign country. She is a student of the Teacher Training program of Tharpaland KMC and teaches in a creative and practical manner.