Finding Stillness… Meditations for a Calm Clear Mind…

  • Thursday | Course in English
  • 7.30 – 8.30 p.m
  • Kadampa Meditation Centre Berlin
  • 8€ | included in the S-/M-/L-Membership of KMC Berlin
  • Hank Ford

Course Description

I myself will make myself happy….

In this series of classes we will find stillness by exploring the clarity of our mind, and abiding in its natural peaceful state, Beautiful. Giving us an immediate experience of Buddha’s main teaching, that all happiness and suffering arise in the mind. Good news! Then we open our hearts to possibility, inspiration and blessings, and listen to a short teaching on Buddha’s advice on the following topics, followed by a second meditation.

These classes will be based on “The new Meditation Handbook” by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso 

August 15th………Find stillness, our natural state, and decide to create our own permanent happiness.

August 22nd……..Find stillness, relax into our identification of being naturally peaceful, and develop a powerful mind of gratitude.

August 29th………Find stillness, and make a decision to live our life now, by developing a strong determined mind that can envision its own future.

September 5th……Find stillness, and create a strong wish to stop thinking about ourself, Create real freedom both now and in our future!

September 12th….Find stillness, and see that we are all in this thing together. This is equality.

September 19th…Find stillness, and train in developing genuine love, free from expectation, aka, attachment

September 26th…Find stillness, and see the deep kindness of all living beings, and how we are closely related.

October 3rd……..Find stillness, and take on our own and others suffering. It is joyful. Try it!

October 10th……Find stillness, and give love like the radiant star that you are.

October 17th Find stillness, and see that the mind is the creator of our world.

„Taking the mind as the object of meditation has a number of advantages. It makes it easier to attain tranquil abiding (concentration), to overcome external distractions, and to realize emptiness.“ – Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Clear Light of Bliss

What to expect?
– enjoy guided meditations
– learn practical meditations which improve your mind permanently
– increase your mental peace and wellbeing through meditation
– receive clear teachings 
– profound wisdom explained for beginners
– learn how to integrate Buddha´s wisdom in your daily life

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Kadampa Meditationszentrum Berlin

  • Chausseestr. 108, 10115 Berlin-Mitte
  • U6 Naturkundemuseum / S1, S2, S25 Nordbahnhof / Tram M5, M8, M1, 12 / Bus 247