Course Description
In this series of Meditation classes we will spark out natural inner wisdom, enabling us to be light, joyful and a delight to everyone we interact with.
Setting the right intention … the sky’s the limit, they say … and the sky is limitless … as is our potential. Intention is key, we meditate and gradually improve. When it’s dark outside we have lots of time to go in … to the blazing inner light that we all have. We can inspire ourselves, together with Meditations that access our actual limitless potential for lasting happiness, and boundless love and joy.
Firstly, we settle into the vast stillness of our mind and appreciate the peace that naturally resides there. Then we invite the blessings of all enlightened Beings. And, we explore reality from Buddha’s perspective. These meditations will be inspired from the book, The New Eight Steps to Happiness, by Venerable Gesche Kelsang Gyatso
Classes on Nov 14, Nov 21, Nov 28, Dec 5, Dec 12, Dec 19
Dates and Topics
Nov 14, Understanding the benefits and practicality of Meditation Practice.
Nov 21, Learn to think/act outside our ordinary box … get extra-ordinary!
Nov. 28, Breaking up the old habitual patterns of who we think we are … remove the mud and reveal the incredible clarity of the mind
Dec 5, Compassion … The fuel for our Meditation project. Let’s build our own rocket to Freedom for All.
Dec 12, From our naturally residing peaceful mind, we practice giving Love, limitless amounts of it.
Dec 19, We wish sincerely for World Peace … and we practice meditations for Domestic Peace, to benefit the loved ones in our immediate surroundings, and let this Inner Peace radiate from our hearts.
“Every living being has the potential to become a Buddha, someone who has completely purified their mind of all faults and limitations and has brought all good qualities to perfection.” – Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully
What to expect?
– enjoy guided meditations
– learn practical meditations which improve your mind permanently
– increase your mental peace and wellbeing through meditation
– receive clear teachings
– profound wisdom explained for beginners
– learn how to integrate Buddha´s wisdom in your daily life
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Hank met Kadampa Buddhism in Los Angeles. Now living in Germany she uses these practical meditations to negotiate the new landscape of living in a foreign country. She is a student of the Teacher Training program of Tharpaland KMC and teaches in a creative and practical manner.